2024 年 論文
1.Kanamori K, Suzuki T, Ota C.: Environments affect blood pressure in toddlers: The Japan Environment and Children's Study. Pediatr Res. 2024;95:367-76
2023 年 論文
1.Dyssynchrony and resynchronization in heart failure—effects on regional and global gene expression in a murine pacemaker model
Marcus Ståhlberg, Eric Rullman, John Pernow, Ryo Nakagawa, Hugo Nordin, Frieder Braunschweig, and Karin Ljung
Eur Heart J Open. 2023 Jun 5;3(3):oead058. doi: 10.1093/ehjopen/oead058. eCollection 2023 May.
2.Motoki N, Inaba Y, Toubou H, Hasegawa K, Shibazaki T, Tsukahara T, Nomiyama T; Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS) Group. Impact of breastfeeding during infancy on functional constipation at 3 years of age: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study. International Breastfeeding Journal. 2023;18:57.
3.Motoki N, Inaba Y, Toubou H, Hasegawa K, Shibazaki T, Tsukahara T, Nomiyama T; Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS) Group. Impact of dog and/or cat ownership on functional constipation at 3 years of age: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study. BMC Pediatrics. 2023;23:595.
4.Motoki N, Morota H, Shibazaki T, Nakamura C, Nakazawa Y. Familial and lifestyle factors related to physical activity in elementary school students: a cross-sectional study based on a nationally representative survey in Japan. BMC Pediatr. 2023 Jul 4;23(1):338.
5.Utsumi M, Motoki N, Yokota S, Kobayashi H, Yamazaki S, Miyosawa Y. Predictors of a non-response to prophylactic indomethacin for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants Pediatr Neonatol. 2023 Jul;64(4):398-404.
6.Takahashi T, Saiki H, Sato A, Kuwata S, Nakano S, Sato Y, Akasaka M, Koizumi J, Senzaki H, Oyama K. Significance of End-Diastolic Forward Flow in Patients With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot - Its Interaction With the Left Ventricular Property and End Organ Damage. Circ J. 2023 Dec 25;88(1):73-80. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-23-0147. Epub 2023 Sep 28.
7.Tobai H, Kanamori K, et al.: Neonatal intestinal obstruction in Hoyeraal-Hreidarsson syndrome with novel RTEL1 variants. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023;70:e30250.
2022 年 論文
1. Induction of aggressive arterial and venous dilation therapy in addition to pulmonary dilation therapy (super-Fontan strategy) improves Fontan circulation both at rest and during treadmill exercise. Shoichi Ishikawa, MD, Shun Matsumura, MD, PhD, Akiko Yana, MD, Clara Kurishima, MD, Yoichi Iwamoto, MD, PhD, Hirotaka Ishido, MD, PhD,bSatoshi Masutani, MD, PhD, FAHA, Ryo Nakagawa, MD, PhD,and Hideaki Senzaki, MD, PhD, FAHA
JTCVS open. 2022 July 15. DOI: http”//doi.org/10.1016/j.xjon.2022.07.003
2. JCS 2022 Guideline on Management and Re-Interventional Therapy in Patients With Congenital Heart Disease Long-Term After Initial Repair.
Ohuchi H, Kawata M, Uemura H, Akagi T, Yao A, Senzaki H, Kasahara S, Ichikawa H, Motoki H, Syoda M, Sugiyama H, Tsutsui H, Inai K, Suzuki T, Sakamoto K, Tatebe S, Ishizu T, Shiina Y, Tateno S, Miyazaki A, Toh N, Sakamoto I, Izumi C, Mizuno Y, Kato A, Sagawa K, Ochiai R, Ichida F, Kimura T, Matsuda H, Niwa K; Japanese Circulation Society Joint Working Group. Circ J. 2022 Aug 31. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-22-0134. Online ahead of print.
3. Predictors of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma among perioperative
survivors of the Fontan operation.
Inuzuka R, Nii M, Inai K, Shimada E, Shinohara T, Kogiso T, Ono H, Otsuki SI, Kurita
Y, Takeda A, Hirono K, Takei K, Yasukohchi S, Yoshikawa T, Furutani Y, Shinozaki
T, Matsuyama Y, Senzaki H, Tokushige K, Nakanishi T. Heart. 2022 Jul 6:heartjnl-
2022-320940. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2022-320940. Online ahead of print.
4. Predictors of long-term mortality among perioperative survivors of Fontan operation.
Inai K, Inuzuka R, Ono H, Nii M, Ohtsuki S, Kurita Y, Takeda A, Hirono K, Takei K, Yasukouchi S, Yoshikawa T, Furutani Y, Shimada E, Shinohara T, Shinozaki T, Matsuyama Y, Senzaki H, Nakanishi T. Eur Heart J. 2022 Jul 1;43(25):2373-2384. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab826.
5. Incidence and Expected Probability of Liver Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Fontan Operation.
Nii M, Inuzuka R, Inai K, Shimada E, Shinohara T, Kogiso T, Ono H, Ootsuki S, Kurita Y, Takeda A, Hirono K, Takei K, Yasukochi S, Yoshikawa T, Furutani Y, Shinozaki T, Matsuyama Y, Senzaki H, Tokushige K, Nakanishi T. Circulation. 2021 Dec 21;144(25):2043-2045. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056870. Epub 2021
Dec 20.
6.Motoki N, Inaba Y, Shibazaki T, Misawa Y, Ohira S, Kanai M, Kurita H, Tsukahara T, Nomiyama T; Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS) Group. Impact of maternal dyslipidemia on infant neurodevelopment: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Brain and Development. 2022;44(8):520-530.
7.Kanamori K, Miyama S.: Classification of pediatric headache cases referred to a neurology department. Pediatr Int. 2022;64:e15181.
8.Kanamori K, Sakaguchi Y, Miyama S.: The Utility of Limited-Montage Electroencephalography for Seizure Detection in Children. Pediatr Neurol. 2022;137:1-5.
9.Kajita N, Kanamori K, Yamamoto S, Yoshida K.: Generalized urticaria caused by glycerin enema in an infant. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2022;32:318-319.
10.Kanamori K, Ogura M, Ishikura K, Ishiguro A, Ito S.: Tocilizumab for Juvenile Takayasu Arteritis Complicated with Acute Heart Failure at Onset. Mod Rheumatol Case Rep. 2022;6:226-229.
11.Kanamori K, Sakaguchi Y, Miyama S.: Rituximab treatment for a child with antibody-negative limbic encephalitis. Pediatr Int. 2022;64:e15287.
【キミがいるから私は HEART HANDI LIVE】
〇著者 近藤 姫花/コンドウ ヒメカ